metadata info for edgelist16.csv

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csv structure: 3013 rows / 10 columns


  1. LEI_code
  2. Country_code : short name for the country of the bank
  3. Bank_name
  4. Country integer: code of the counterparty country (as reported in 'code_country.csv'). 1000 stands for NO country, and is always coupled with Exposure=7000 (see below)
  5. Country.label : full name of the counterparty country. 'Correction' stands for total exposure correction (see below)
  6. Exposure integer: code for exposure type (as reported in 'code_exposure.csv'. careful on this, they depend also on EADtype. See report '../EBA_Methodological_Note_for_bank.pdf'). 7000 stands for a correction term, inserted to match Declared total exposures with the sum of single Declared exposures (over countries and exposure types)
  7. Exposure.label : full name of the exposure
  8. Country_Asset : full name country _ full name exposure. Redundant with respect to col 4(5) and 6(7), but necessary to build graph BANK --> COUNTRY_ASSET. This is done ONLY for Exposure in Sovereign and Institutions. For Corporates, Retail and so on, country division is discarded. Of course, one can reconstruct it via columns 4(5) and 6(7)
  9. mlnEuro float: exposure value in millions of Euro
  10. tot.exp float: total exposure as Declared (and also as summed, once introduced the Exposure=7000 / Country=1000 correction. see above)